An abode dedicated to the tedious fails of video games.
Complimentary side-orders of pessimism with every meal!

Saturday 29 January 2011

Host Mi--Host Migr--Host Migration

"88? Why 88? Why such a random number like 88?" That's all I was thinking when this happened. Just to make it clear first of all: this was NOT groundwars as proven by the players on the teams. And even if it was, there would never be 88 points. 

What, did that JAAZY_7034 guy get 44 toe-shots awarded at 2 points each? Or that anach51 got 22 crotch-shots awarded at 4 points each? Or maaaybeee Jeremy_7034 (wait, wtf?) simply divided by 0 and malfunctioned the meaning of life. Who knows?

All I know it's something to do with ho migration. There were 3 within a short space of each other and although I have no evidence, the enemy team's score went apesh*t since then.

One source says it's due to hackers where they force the game into making them the host, rendering the match vulnerable to whatever assness they have on hand. In this case, raising the score cap...but the question I seriously can't figure out is: why 88?

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