An abode dedicated to the tedious fails of video games.
Complimentary side-orders of pessimism with every meal!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Artificial Idiocy

Don't you just want to jump in your TV and dropkick your AI buddies at times? Like, imagine this: you're a soldier in command of a 4-man squad. You're under constant fire and are ordering your heavy gunner to lay down suppression while your two sniper units go to flank.

Sounds pretty text book, right? The two of you firing wildly hoping to hit something explosive and in a stereotypical red barrel, while your other guys head between the trees and attack from a higher angle. All hostiles killed. Next mission.

But here on Gaming/Grinds, things don't go so smooth. The reality is this: your heavy gunner is taking cover on the open side of the sandbags, your first sniper is continuously sprinting into a fence while your second seems to be doing good except for the fact that he's lying prone looking through his scope...about a yard away from the enemy. Epic long-distance shooting fail, man.

Then, to make things worse, you - alone - have to salvage whatever miniscule crumb of hope left by applying every FPS combo known to man.

Jump, crouch, strafe left, crouch, jump, strafe right, fragmentation grenade throw, jump is usually how it goes...all while shooting, reloading and checking the radar.

The thing about AI is that it's practically the game itself. If there are super computers out there that can play a tense match against an autistic chess athlete then I'm certain a game's programming can tell the difference between a brick wall and O2.

I swear down, Sheva -- I mean, your partner's AI needs to sort itself 
out otherwise the only command I'll be ordering next is 'eject disc' 
if you get what I mean. Fission mailed.


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