An abode dedicated to the tedious fails of video games.
Complimentary side-orders of pessimism with every meal!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

How Many Inches Long Is Your...Game?

8 hours. 8 hours is now the official average next-gen game length. For most of us passionate gamers, like me, a game that "long" can be completed in one sitting with nothing but a fully charged controller and a single bathroom break. Seriously?

I'm not sure if it was because of our low-mid expectations of creations back on the PlayStation 1 and 2 but I'm pretty sure they took days, even weeks, to finish.

And of course I'm talking about non-RPG titles as I can hear the odd fanboy/girl muttering "But ES4: Oblivion has 300+ hours and that's excluding side quests" and I'm not gonna lie, I know some developers are making games for the entertainment of its customers (hint: MGS4) but no...just no.

In my honest opinion, some developers use up too much disc space on high polygons and shiny textures that there's only so much space for 3 levels which they'll call 'chapters' to make it seem more fulfilling. Not many people would care about barely decent next-gen graphics if they had an extremely lengthy, addictive and captivating game from start to end.

Oh, and in case you guys and girls weren't aware, Deniable Ops aside, Splinter Cell Conviction's main game is supposedly about 5 hours.


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