An abode dedicated to the tedious fails of video games.
Complimentary side-orders of pessimism with every meal!

Monday, 10 May 2010

Oh Look! A Nickel!

You would agree we gamers are lazy, right? We just like to quarantine in our sanctuary of a bedroom 24/, check that - 25/8...and the idea of an unlimited supply of Tangy Cheese Doritos, and cola in one of those beer hard hats (research it if you don't know!) pretty much sum up heaven for us.

Ironically enough, even if this 'heaven' was on the other side of the same room, it'll instantly become hell to get, which introduces my next grind: collectables.
Now, I don't have anything personal against them. Collectables are pretty bad-ass; they can turn you into a fire-shooting Italian plumber, they can earn you that Trophy/GamerScore, darn, they can even unlock that 10 minute slideshow of concept art. See? Collectables are actually cool to...well, collect. But the fire ability burns out after a few seconds, the Trophy or GamerScore is of low value, and the slideshow of art is...*laughs* no one watches it from start to end anyway so who cares about the downsides? 

*serious face* The point is, are the collectables reeeeally worth it? Think back to the time you spent so many hours with your trusty IGN picture guide mercilessly gunning down pigeons, to get screwed by a remaining three you somehow missed. With 150 possible locations, I doubt you'll go back one by one looking for the furry little bastards so just say goodbye to that Platinum. Oh, and that other time you desperately needed the health pack that you just released by smashing the green crate, for it to only bounce up and down like frickin' Zebedee from The Magic Roundabout. You take so long to chase it down that you end up getting pawn'd, and it suddenly hits you that the last few seconds were like something out a cheesy 80's Scooby Doo episode.

In the end, collectables are kinda like women: you can't live with them, you can't live without them. *sigh*


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