An abode dedicated to the tedious fails of video games.
Complimentary side-orders of pessimism with every meal!

Thursday 15 April 2010

Honey, I'm Pretty Sure We've Passed This Residence Already

Any idea on what to do when you have a revolutionary and insta-classic last-gen title to follow up on with the capabilities of  a next-gen console? You pretty much copy the game albeit with new characters, updated graphics and an even higher emphasis on action, that's what.

Yes, guys, I'm talking about Resident Evil 4 and 5. I've actually wanted to share this subject for a while and it occured to me once more as I recently purchased Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition (as my original disc broke but I get extras so that's awesome).

Now, I'm actually quite fond of this game and its fun factor when playing co-op online so I'm not exactly flaming on the game overall. The thing that I'm criticising mostly though are the environments. If you compare RE4 to 5, you'll notice the basis of the environments are similiar. You wanted a creepy, desolate town to return? It's there. Underground mine facility? Suffer the claustrophobia...again. A QTE-filled corridor where something is crashing down from above? I hope you got that finger fixed. 

And it's doesn't stop at the environments, no; the treasures to sell, the full-time partner, the gun-wielding and body armour-wearing 'zombies', the over-the-shoulder camera perspective, and the food-related currency - potatoes for Spain, chicken nuggets for Africa - ALL making a comeback.

Anyway, I'm done here, but one last tip: fire that Spanish tutor and hire an African one this time 'round because unless you understand the Majini's language, it's 101% guaranteed you'll subjectively believe they're saying "Kool Aid."


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